With a little Mozart to lift you along…
The milk cows on most of the organic farms supplying Fromagerie La Chaudière graze free out in the pastures. But when it’s time to come inside for the winter, they kick back to the sweet sounds of music in the stable. No stress, confinement, pesticides or similar silliness. These are cows living large—that’s what gives their milk that extra hint of old-time natural deliciousness. That’s what we want to bring out when we make cheese.
Organic and Lactose Free Cheese
Respect for the product
All our organic cheeses are made from organic milk. Our cheeses are certified by Québec Vrai to show that we scrupulously adhere to and apply all the specifications of that certifying body. And being the welcoming sort of folks we are, we look forward to every visit from their organic standards inspectors—they’re like your eyes and ears in our factory. And so without further ado, we present our lineup of organic cheeses. Enjoy!

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